Hear from families helped by our housing program

Hear from individuals and families who we've helped own a home.

"I didn't think it was possible to own a home right now... I want to thank you so much! Now that I am a homeowner, I'm inspired by the process. I'm interested in getting a real estate license myself!"

The Metcalf Couple

"This house will be as cute as a button after we make repairs... We're so happy to have this be our home"

Martin Harris

"We had lost our home a few years ago and didn't think we would ever have a home again... Thank you so much for giving us hope! We're already mowing the lawn in anticipation of the close!"

The Hogue Couple


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Join a group of investors increasing their net worth while helping families get into homes, achieve their dreams, and secure their future.

Sign hereby Scott Graham
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Berkeley Communications phone callby Berkeley Communications
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Man looks at iPad while working near the window of a high-rise building. - www.chromaluts.shopby Tyler Franta
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