Equity& Help Inc. offers a unique and profitable way for investors to engage inreal estate. We acquire distressed residential properties directly from banksand sell them to investors at 40% to 60% below the After Repair Value (ARV).This model creates a win-win scenario: investors earn strong Cash-on-Cashreturns, and families needing affordable housing can own their homes.
Ourprocess is simple and streamlined, making it a perfect opportunity for privatemarket real estate investing. The goal is not just to help investors grow theirportfolios, but to also revitalize neighborhoods by matching distressedproperties with families eager to renovate and call them home.
Here’show it works:
Eachmonth, Equity & Help Inc. acquires residential properties that banks needto offload. These are typically distressed homes that have been foreclosed onor need significant repairs. These properties, while needing attention, have astrong potential for appreciation once they are renovated.
Oncewe acquire the property, we perform minimal pre-hab work to prepare the housefor its new owner. The goal is to ensure the property is safe, habitable, andready for a new family to take over. We take care of all the heavy lifting,making the process smooth for the investors who purchase from us.
Equity& Help Inc. offers an opportunity to invest in a Turn-Key Business withminimal involvement. Investors purchase distressed properties at a significantdiscount, allowing them to generate Cash-on-Cash returns through consistentmonthly payments from the families we have matched them with. These monthlypayments, combined with the appreciation of the property over time, provide areliable income stream for investors.
Our investment model offers strong, double-digit returns, which cancontinue for up to 20 years. The returns are predictable, providing investorswith a clear roadmap for how much they can expect to earn on their investment.The 20-year period allows investors to benefit from long-term propertyappreciation, ensuring a consistent income stream over time.
1. Low Risk, HighReward
Wecarefully select distressed properties with strong potential for renovation andfuture appreciation. These properties are sold to investors at 40% to 60% oftheir After Repair Value (ARV), providing an instant equity cushion. This meansthat investors are entering the market with a significant margin of safety.Additionally, our minimal pre-hab work reduces the risk typically associatedwith property renovations.
2. Hassle-FreeInvestment
Ourinvestment process is hassle-free for investors. Once the properties areacquired, we handle the coordination of renovation work, screening the buyers,and offering owner financing. We manage the entire process from start tofinish, which means that investors don’t have to worry about propertymanagement, repairs, or finding qualified buyers.
3. AffordableHomeownership for Families
Whileinvestors are earning strong returns, families are benefiting from theopportunity to own homes they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Our modeloffers affordable housing options to families who can maintain the property butmay struggle with securing traditional financing.
Private market realestate investing with Equity& Help Inc. is a smart way to grow your portfolio, earn long-term returns,and make a positive impact in local communities. Our business model is simple,transparent, and designed to provide investors with hassle-free, steadyreturns.
Ifyou're ready to start investing in real estate with Equity & Help Inc., contactus today to learn more about our available opportunities and how you can startearning Cash-on-Cash returns from properties 40% to 60% below market value.Invest with us and become part of a Turn-Key Business model that benefits you,the families we serve, and the communities we impact.